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Cash Forcasting

You want your ATMs loaded with the right amount of cash on the optimal load schedule. Oh, and you also want to know if they're going to run out ahead of time so you can load early, right? Cash Connect has a team of full-time Cash Forecasting Specialists using state-of-the-art software to do just that. Let us put them to work for you.

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Navigate Variability

ATM transaction volume varies. Sometime it varies a lot. Our people and systems can handle it.

Each load amount is calculated using in-depth analysis of transaction history. Terminals are categorized by seasonality and variability patterns. Short-term and long-term transactions trends are considered. Target residual percentages are set for each ATM. That's the kind of detailed attention we're giving to every cash load, on every ATM.

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Avoid Outages

Few things are more frustrating than running out of cash. But sometimes you just can't anticipate unforeseen activity spikes. No worries. Every day we analyze the current transaction activity to determine if the ATM could run out before its next scheduled load. So rest easy, we've got you covered.

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Optimize Loads

Not only do we optimize your load amounts, we optimize load schedules. Is it most cost effective to load weekly, every other week, or monthly? That depends on a variety of factors. Cost of funds, dispenser capacity, and carrier costs all have to be considered. Cash Connect regularly analyzes your load schedules so you're operating as efficiently as possible.

Focus on growing your business and leave the logistics to us.

Connect with us today!